Minutes from the October 2005 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 3rd October 2005.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 3rd October 2005

Summary of Minutes - Monday 3rd October 2005

Chairman's Comments

The Chairman reported that he had received complaints about overgrown trees in Church Lane and Mill End Close. Some are subject to a conservation order and others are on a local farmer's property, residents will be advised.

District Representatives

Marc Saccoccio and Fiona Robinson from SBDC gave the PC details regarding the Statement of Community Involvement, which will bring about major changes with regard to planning, not just locally but nationwide. A range of consultation techniques will be used to involve the general public and Town & Parish Councils enabling them to take part more easily in the planning process.

A questionnaire was given for feedback from the Parish Council.

Youth Club Accounts

Cllr Beal presented the PC with the year end accounts, he stated that he hoped that funding would continue from the usual sources.

Sports & Social Club

The new Treasurer has taken over the accounts. It is hoped that the new lease will be finalised by 16 December.

Steve Harris reported that all of phase one dilapidations should be completed by December.

The PC thanked him for his support and asked him to pass on thanks to his team of volunteers.

Election of Representative to Eaton Bray Lower School

Cllr Heyland was appointed for the coming year. Clerk to advise School.

Childrens Play Area Inspection

Further quotes to be obtained to enable the programme of inspection to take place.

Public meets the Parish Council

Cllr Beal suggested that an informal meeting with Parishioners at the Coffee Tavern may be a good idea to allow people to voice their opinions in a more relaxed setting. It was agreed that this was worth a trial, details to be placed in Focus with a first date hopefully in December on a Saturday Morning.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 7th November 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.