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February 24, 2019 by Eaton Bray Parish Council in forum Eaton Bray Parish Council

#3561 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 24 February 2019, 19:23


Central Bedfordshire Council
Consultation: Eaton Bray Neighbourhood Plan

After many months of hard work, Eaton Bray Parish Council have now submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to Central Bedfordshire Council.

As the Local Planning Authority, CBC are now required to undertake a publication period to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on the submitted proposals before the plan goes ahead to Examination. The plan, together with accompanying documents can be found at CBC's website and hard copies are available to view on request at the office at Priory House, Chicksands.

The consultation will start on Thursday 14th February and run for a 6 week period, closing at 5pm on Friday 29th March. CBC are inviting comments either by email or my post. Please send any comments via email to [email protected] and any comments via post to the address below:

Local Plan Team
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
SG17 5TQ

All comments will be passed to an Examiner to be considered. If the Plan is successful at Examination, it will proceed to a referendum to allow residents to vote. If the Plan is successful at referendum, Central Bedfordshire Council will ‘make’ the Plan part of the development plan for the area and use it during the consideration of planning applications.

If you wish to be informed of the outcome, please let CBC know in your comments.

Tom Price
Neighbourhood Involvement Officer
Strategic Growth, Regeneration & Business
Central Bedfordshire Council

#3563 Edlesborough Parish Council, 22 March 2019, 11:53

Edlesborough Parish Council would like the Examiner to consider the following points:

Policy EB6 states that development proposals which result in the unnecessary loss of established orchard will be resisted.  It’s difficult to see how this could be effective because a developer or land owner doesn’t require planning consent to clear an orchard that isn’t subject to TPO’s, and would therefore do so before applying for any building consent.  Planning policies can only be applied to applications where planning consent is necessary.  A previously permissible clearance would not be relevant to a subsequent building application.

Policy EB8 defines Local Gaps on the Policies Map in order to prevent the coalescence of Eaton Bray with Edlesborough and Northall and with Totternhoe.  Edlesborough Parish Council strongly endorses that policy.
(Note.  The supporting text states “This policy designates as Local Gaps, three areas of land to the north, south-west and south-east of the village to prevent its visual coalescence with Totternhoe and Edlesborough respectively”.  That sentence should read “…..coalescence with Totternhoe, Northall and Edlesborough respectively”).

Policy EB14 states “Proposals for housing development should be predominately 1/2/3 bedrooms; flats, semi-detached or terraced housing to encourage an increase in properties for the young or elderly. Proposals for large, detached “executive” style houses will not be supported.”  However the supporting text then appears to water that down somewhat by saying that where there will be a net addition to the number of dwellings and that number will be an even number, at least half of the new homes must have 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms.  Where it will be an odd number, they should comprise a majority of the new homes.  That would suggest that almost half the homes can have 4 or more bedrooms.

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