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Charles Headland

February 24, 2010 by Jane Webber in forum Genealogy / History

#212 Jane Webber, 24 February 2010, 20:22

Can anyone tell me please which pub has a gravestone in it with the name Charles Headland on?  My Gt. Uncle and Gt. Aunt moved to Eaton Bray after they retired, and Charles died there in 1946.  I was told recently that his gravestone is in one of the pubs!  He liked a drink or two..........!  Would be grateful if anyone knows the answer to this one.  Many thanks.

#213 Jane Webber, 24 February 2010, 20:23

Genealogy Topic.

#215 Tom n Harry, 25 February 2010, 09:32

New one on me..Asked around and pubs that were open in 1946 were...The Plough (Indian Restaurant) Hope & Anchor (Indian Restaurant) The Chequers (Houses) Bedford Arms (Robuck Garage) Five Bells (closed but still standing at the moment) and The White Horse (OPEN).The Hope is right next to the burial ground so could be favourite but I think it might have been a plaque on the wall and not a headstone.

#292 Jane Webber, 25 March 2010, 16:53

Hallo Tom n Harry!

That was good of you to check around for me re the pubs and the "supposed grave"! I wrote to the White Horse - they never replied! The Hope sounds more hopeful, sorry about the pun! Maybe I should write to the landlord, see if he knows any history!

Thank you again, that was good of you.

#293 Jane Webber, 25 March 2010, 17:32

If anyone is in the Cafe Masala maybe they could ask Mr. Taraque for me if there was ever a plaque there or anything relating to Charles never know! Thanks.

#343 Jane Webber, 22 April 2010, 16:51

Have received the death certificate of Charles Headland and he lived next to the pub, which is now the Cafe Masala.  Obviously it was knocked down as the current 67, Bower Lane is too modern! Apparently his house was where the Indian Restaurant's car park is?  Any one know if Charles is next door in the cemetery?  He died in Luton at an address that no one knows who lives there!  Has anyone any photos of the original house next to the Restaurant please?  Thanks.

#344 Tom n Harry, 22 April 2010, 17:43

We now hold cemetery records for the right hand side as you go in.Charles is not there.I did have a look when you first posted but could not see a stone for him.We will know when we have the records for left hand side,but if he died at a Luton address its unlikely he was buried in Eaton Bray.Could be wrong though.

#353 Jane Webber, 3 May 2010, 13:32

Thank you Tom.  Its all a mystery!  Have been in touch with headlands who lived in Luton years ago and they dont know who he was visiting in E.B. but are sure he was buried in E.B.  Mind you knowbody knows why he moved there in the first place as no family there!  But will await your report on the left hand side.  Bower Street was his registered death address so guess he would have been brought back there to be buried.  Mysterious man eh!  Thanks again Tom.

#2389 Tom n Harry, 8 February 2016, 13:44

Don't know if you are still following Jane but we have found him buried in Bower Lane with his wife Kate.

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